Close Encounters Ministries

  • Liberty, Silver and Taco Bell plan to take advantage of groups arriving at your Christmas program. This funny and inspirational Christmas program tells the story of Jesus' birth in a surprising way. Not only is the beloved Bethlehem story retold but also lives are forever changed.

    As children, teens and adults arrive on stage, they are confronted by three people who try their best to convince each group to give them money for the poor people "In Africa". Wise to the scam artists, each group offers alternative gifts. In the end our Bells understand "What's so great about Christmas"!

    End the entire event with a RING THOSE BELLS party.

    Read the entire program including Director's information, party plans and all group parts by clicking PREVIEW.  Click on this link to PREVIEW the entire program in a read only version.. If you know your gang will love it, order it to be shipped or use our instant download option!

    The Christmas Bells Melodies  Want fun music for this one of a kind Christmas presentation? Your children will love The Christmas Bells, Angels on the Fly, One Starry Night and Ding, Ding, Dong! We offer original options in a split track CD, piano music, words only package. 

    To ORDER  The Christmas Bells with or without The Christmas Bells Melodies, use the pull down menu below to choose which option will work best for you.

    (Items that are to be shipped will have the shipping and handling added at check out.)

    Questions? Call Ellen! She's our Christmas angel with all the answers even if her halo is slightly tipped!
    ORDER BY PHONE TOO! 1-888-236-5433

  • $24.99

  • The Christmas Bells DOWNLOAD

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